We are here for you Until the Violence Stops!

Until the Violence Stops, Inc.
UTVS, Inc. aims to encourage accountability, empowerment, and victim safety by providing a batterer intervention program and anger management services to individuals referred from several sources including courts, mental health professionals, friends, family, advocates, and self-referrals.

Register for Workshops
Registration for virtual workshops is currently underway. Workshops are ideal for survivors of domestic violence, LGBTQIA+ individuals, those seeking anger management, and others.
Court-Ordered Classes
Classes will be registered and provided on-site. This includes court-ordered Anger Management and Batterer Intervention Programs. Inquire for additional information.
We’re Here For You
UTVS, Inc. was founded in December 2006 as a nonprofit organization to:
• Provide a quality, in-depth batterer intervention program designed to educate regarding battering behavior and impact, as well as its root causes, effects, and consequences
• Teach batterers skills to change their behavior
• Offer public service
• Assist in improving social welfare
• Reduce the percentage of incidents and reoccurrence of offenses
• Help clients rebuild their lives through non-violent means
As of November 2019 UTVS, Inc has been granted 501©3 status with the Internal Revenue Service.
“Never forget that walking away from something unhealthy is brave even if you stumble a little on your way out the door.”

Next Steps
Upon referral, UTVS will conduct an initial assessment to determine challenges and pinpoint exact services needed. Assessments cover a wide range of topics that may affect the client including
family, medical, and substance use/abuse histories; as well as past and current relationships.
Important Information
Contact us via email or phone to schedule a consultation
Initial assessment will take approximately a full one-hour session
$50 assessment fee/$30 per session
$65 cancellation fee charged for initial assessment no call/no shows and cancellations under 24 hours
Participants more than 15-minutes late will be marked absent for the session and may jeopardize timely program completion

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